Some sad stories on this thread I see.
Mine is similar.
When I was growing up it seemed that all my friends were getting married. There was only one girl who I was even remotely interested in but in hindsight it was a disaster waiting to happen. I wouldn't say I'm the brightest person aroung and I certainly didn't act like it then, but she seriously had something missing 'upstairs'. I couldn't see it or rather could but chose to ignore it.
We got married when I was 21, she was 20. I remember my mother saying to me before the wedding am I sure that she is the right one for me - oh yes I said.
Well, she didn't cook, didn't keep the house clean, didn't get a job of any description and spiritually speaking was worse than useless. Never came on field service, never prepared for meetings, never answered up, never helped the children with a bible study, wouldn't let our house be used for field service or for book study.
Must say though that my children through her are wonderful and I always must be grateful to her for them.
After a short while I realised that what we had together was not true love at all. We drifted apart, we avoided going out together for meals and the like because we had nothing in common to talk to each other about. We went years without having sex. Eventually I became more and more friendly with a sister in the cong and we realised that we really are soul mates in every way.
To do things 'right' we did not commit adultery but we did get caught out and were finally df'd for 'loose conduct'.
After 19 years of painful marriage I finally got divorced and so did the person I was seeing. We moved in together and in 2004 got married.
I can honestly say that she really is my soul mate and we have had many wonderful times together already.
Any regrets about my life?
Yes, I wish I'd met my second wife (Bubble) before I got married for the first time. Having said that I love my kids to bits and they have come through the whole (very messy) divorce extremely well, better than some of the adults invlolved.
Being a Witless with Witless parents and knowing the rules about sex before marriage definitely led me into a completely wrong choice first time round, but there really is life after divorce.
south african beef
JoinedPosts by south african beef
Have You Been Divorced, Or Getting A Divorce?
by Outaservice indivorce is much more common in the jehovah's witness community than they would like to admit.
probably more so than the population in general in my opinion.. if you have been divorced, do you think that the watchtower society contributed to the divorce, or caused it, or is it just possible you married some jerk or abuser and divorce would have occured no matter what religion you were, or even if you had no religion?.
possibly you got married way too young as the end was coming and there is no marriage in the resurrection if you died.
south african beef
Paris, France not Hilton
by Wordly Andre in.
i am planning a european vacation, can anyone recommend a hotel in paris, that is close to cdg airport, doesn't have to be all that nice but safe, clean and cheap.
south african beef
I haven't been to Paris for ages and this is not going to be much help but I'm taking my wife Bubble to Paris next February for her 40th birthday.
We've booked the George Cinq but that is right in the centre of Paris and rather expensive. -
Aussies/Canadians of JWD most laid back~
by FlyingHighNow ini was thinking today, i've been here at jwd for nearly three years now.
i've observed that our aussie members are the most laid back members on the board here.they don't take their country, their politics or anything too seriously really.
people who are from europe tend to be more laid back than the brits and americans.
south african beef
For once I totally agree with Dansk!
(Dansk swoons)
Yes us English (I can't talk for the Scots, Welsh or Irish - they are all a bit different to us), do have a superiority complex that comes from always winning wars!
You should here the songs our football supporters sing when England are playing in the World Cup - rather racist perhaps but in a light hearted way, just remembering when Britain ruled the world (still does in many ways). Scots etc don't actually know what it's like to play in the World cup, oh i do remember them playing Peru was it in 1978?!
The Aussies are all descendants from our criminals we sent there 100 or so years ago - very careful not to say that they are all criminals now, I'm sure a few of them are not! Don't want a punch on the nose!
I like to live in the past sometimes when it comes to world geography - I talk about Ceylon, Rohdesia, etc etc! -
Do you rather an automatic or manual transmission?
by JH in.
my first cars were all "manual" and they were small cars, cheap on gas.. then later on in life, i spoiled myself and bought automatic cars.. last week, i tried a manual yaris, and wasn't that comfortable with the manual transmission.
maybe it's the fact that i didn't drive a manual car in 6 years.. just wondering if anyone here after driving automatic transmission cars since many years, if you would come back to manual..
south african beef
The last few comments sum up the difference between drivers from the USA and the more focussed and sophisicated European driver - no offence, just different ways of thinking.
Do you rather an automatic or manual transmission?
by JH in.
my first cars were all "manual" and they were small cars, cheap on gas.. then later on in life, i spoiled myself and bought automatic cars.. last week, i tried a manual yaris, and wasn't that comfortable with the manual transmission.
maybe it's the fact that i didn't drive a manual car in 6 years.. just wondering if anyone here after driving automatic transmission cars since many years, if you would come back to manual..
south african beef
Oh no Dansk - here we go again!
Congestion is much less in London now since 'loony leftie' Ken Livingstone introduced the C charge (the only thing he's done which has benefited London).
However he did say he would only ever raise it by inflation - cor, inflation must be high in the south coz it's just gone from 5pounds to 8pounds a day! Apparently he rakes in more revenue from the fines than the fees.
I say it again - London is busy because the vast majority of major banks, businesses, restaurants and of course retail want to be in our great capital city. If they all wanted to be oop north then that's where the congestion would be! -
Do you rather an automatic or manual transmission?
by JH in.
my first cars were all "manual" and they were small cars, cheap on gas.. then later on in life, i spoiled myself and bought automatic cars.. last week, i tried a manual yaris, and wasn't that comfortable with the manual transmission.
maybe it's the fact that i didn't drive a manual car in 6 years.. just wondering if anyone here after driving automatic transmission cars since many years, if you would come back to manual..
south african beef
Definitely a manual for me.
I know the American roads may make it nice to have an auto but you don't really experience the thrill of driving with an auto.
I do lot's of varied driving but twice a week I'm crawling around good old London town and I still prefer a manual for that.
I subscibe to 'Evo" car magazine (does anyone else?) /which upholds the 'thrill of driving', and that says all about how I like my driving. Btw I've had a letter of mine printed in the October 2006 edition.
Just wish I could afford some of the cars they test! -
Long time lurker says Hi!
by Gilberto ini thought it was time i posted here, having been lurking for over 4 years (on and off).
well my wife is now out.
we never really discussed the issues i had with the troof, although she of course new what some of them were.
south african beef
Hi Gilberto and wife,
A quick hello and welcome from myself and my wife Bubble.
Our circumstances are totally different from yours but suffice to say we are delighted that we are out of 'd troof' and we have never been happier.
Looking forward to learning more about you.
south african beef
A big WELCOME from myself and my wife Bubble.
You will enjoy reading and joining in the posts here.
It may be hard when you first leave but believe me it gets much easier and life ends up being great! -
What reaction would the JW's have if you walked into the Kingdom Hall?
by JH in.
for those who didn't attend meetings for a while, imagine that you just walk into your kingdom hall 10 minutes before a meeting.
what would be their reaction?
south african beef
My mum and dad would love it, my ex and my wife (Bubbles) ex would hate it. Mind you my ex doesn't go anymore and Bubbles ex has just got remarried so he will be deliriously happy in his life now won't he?
Seriously I can never ever see myself going back - I hated it for the 40 years I was in it! -
by bikerchic inlookie what i just got today from a friend who just got back from england:.
makes number 13 in my collection.
so far i have, hollywood, la jolla, san deigo, las vegas, aspen, honolulu, new orleans, orlando, phoenix, nashville, athens and madrid.. i ask everyone i know who's traveling to get me one of these plus the ones i get myself while traveling.. does anyone else here collect from hard rock cafe?
south african beef
Yeah London USED to be known as the smoke - back in the 30's. You are not seriously saying that the grimy industrialised northern cities have a good pollution record are you?!
Formula 1 doesn't in real terms give off much pollution but it does showcase technological and engineering excellence.
I went to Cape Town for my honeymoon with Bubble in 2004 - I can assure you Cape Town is wonderful and the coastline dramatic, and it's warm!!!
You are right about the Ozzies, I'm definitely stopping now. we've been invited round to a neighbours house at 4 for a nice meal. Oh, southern hospitality - I suppose you think that that is an oxymoron!
Anyway Dansk, thanks for the banter and I really hope that Bubble and I will be seeing you soon at your aposta curry - obviously because we both are ex Witto's we do have a lot in common despite our geographical and cultural differences.
All the best,